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Site publisher
Ecole de la Cité – cinema, TV
Head office: 20, rue Ampère, 93200 Saint-Denis, France.
The website editor is Rachid Djouadi, director of the Ecole de la Cité – cinema, TV.
Photographic credits for images used on the site:
- Magali Bragard © 2010 Europacorp - Apipoulaï Prod - TF1 Films Production
- Magali Bragard ©2011 Europacorp – M6 Films – Grive Productions
- Magali Bragard © 2010 Europacorp - Apipoulaï Prod - TF1 Films Production
- EuropaCorp Studios, Reichen et Robert & Associés architectes © Artefactory
- EuropaCorp Studios, Reichen et Robert & Associés architectes © J.F. Peneau
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